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Friday, April 10, 2015

There's A Lesson Here Somewhere

I'm gonna keep it short this time out.  I had just about talked myself out of taking my morning walk 2 days ago.  "It's too late to go for and early walk", "I'll do a big hike on Friday", (I did not), "All my nice yoga pants are dirty".  Nevertheless, I headed out anyway.   I had been walking for about 10 minutes, when I saw something shiny out of the corner of my eye, and because that's all it takes to distract me, I stopped to investigate.  I almost laughed out loud when I saw what it was, --a golden egg.

So naturally, I paused to look around for hidden cameras before I hesitantly picked it up. Since it was so close to Easter and it felt so light, I assumed it had been emptied and cast off by an careless egg hunter.  I walked another hundred yards before I even bothered to open it.  Imagine my delight upon discovering it's contents:

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